Wahlmodultage Psychomotoriktherapie

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In the last week before Christmas, Sandra Verbeeten and Cor Niks, teachers from the Windesheim University of applied science Zwolle (The Netherlands) were invited for the «Wahlmodul-Tage» at the HfH.

They did their teaching about movement with severe handicapped persons and about Dutch treatment methods for Psychomotor Therapy in general. 

The first day of teaching we discussed about different theories which are common in the Netherlands to work with a group of profound handicapped persons. For example about Veronica Sherborne, Kügel, Timmers-Huijgens etc. After this discussion there was a lot of practical work. It was great to see students getting more (emotional) involved during the day into this difficult group of profound handicapped persons. The teaching strategy was 15 minutes of theory and directly after the theory practical exercises or a short assignment. The next two days was teaching about different subjects about the position of the PMT, the curriculum, theoretical concepts and our specific way of doing our PMT treatment. The subjects were for example flexibility of behaviour, PMT-strategies, doing interventions, going out of your comfort zone, dealing with ADHD. Students had a lot of possibilities to experience immediately in practical way with the new information about the subjects. For example an exercise they had to do: go by escalator to the first floor and sing a Christmas song during the time they are on the escalator. A real nice experiment to go out of their comfort zone. All the students did this exercise and their feeling about this experience was really positive.

After the days of teaching there was an evaluation. The students were really satisfied and enthusiastic about the things they learned and the way of teaching. They gave some suggestions to make this program more than just the 1 + 2 days. Especially the two last days were too short. They wished for more time to experience and reaching the goals they had in their mind.

Author: Cor Niks, Docent Psychomotor therapy, Windesheim NL, Sabine Hüttche, MSc, Mitarbeiterin Kommunikation und Marketing, HfH


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  • Erscheinungsweise ca. sechs Mal jährlich
  • Inhalt Hausmitteilungen der HfH
  • Adressaten Mitarbeitende, Studierende, Hochschulrat und Interessierte
  • Verantwortlich Prof. Dr. Barbara Fäh, Rektorin der HfH
  • Redaktion Sabrina Demergi, MSc Sabine Hüttche