Auswahl an Publikationen Juni 2023

Kategorie News

Peer-reviewte Zeitschriftenartikel zu ausgewählten Themen der Interkantonalen Hochschule für Heilpädagogik. 


Peter Klaver Titel Prof. Dr.


Leiter Zentrum Forschung und Wissenstransfer / Professor

David Yoh von Allmen Titel Dr.


Advanced Researcher

Es sind Publikationen zu Themen wie mentale Stabilität und Wachstum, Anwendung von Technologie in der Gebärdensprachprüfung und das Verständnis akademischer Prokrastination neu erschienen. Eine Auswahl:

Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed)

  • Eichelberger, D. A., Sticca, F., Kübler, D. R., Kakebeeke, T., Caflisch, J. A., Jenni, O. G., & Wehrle, F. M. (2023). Stability of mental abilities and physical growth from 6 months to 65 years: Findings from the Zurich Longitudinal Studies. Intelligence, 97, Artikel 101730.
  • Hagen, T., Nitz, J., Brack, F., Hövel, D. C., & Hennemann, T. (2023). Effekte des Good Behavior Game bei Grundschüler_innen mit externalisierenden Verhaltensproblemen. Lernen und Lernstörungen.
  • Haug, T., Mann, W., & Holzknecht, F. (2023). The Use of Technology in Sign Language Testing: Results of a Pre-Pandemic Survey. Sign Language Studies, 23(2), 243–281.
  • Jaggy, A.-K., Kalkusch, I., Burkhardt Bossi, C., Weiss, B., Sticca, F., & Perren, S. (2023). The impact of social pretend play on preschoolers’ social development: Results of an experimental study. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 64, 13–25.
  • Nicodemus, B., Lang, C., & Haug, T. (2023). Perspectives about language direction from signed language interpreters in the United States and Switzerland. Translation & Interpreting, 15(1), 98–119.
  • Rahimi, S., Hall, N. C., & Sticca, F. (2023). Understanding academic procrastination: A Longitudinal analysis of procrastination and emotions in undergraduate and graduate students. Motivation and Emotion.
  • Schaub, S., & Lütolf, M. (2023). Attitudes and self-efficacy of early childhood educators towards the inclusion of children with disability in day-care. European Journal of Special Needs Education.
  • Snozzi, R., Zurbriggen, C., & Müller, C. M. (2023). School transfers in special education: frequency, direction, and timing of transfers between different school settings. European Journal of Special Needs Education.
  • Sticca, F., Gasser-Haas, O., & Wustmann Seiler, C. (2023). The interplay among familial risk, narrative coherence, and emotional problems from early to middle childhood. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, Artikel 969974. 
  • Sticca, F., Goetz, T., Möller, J., Eberle, F., Murayma, K., & Shavelson, R. J. (2023). Same same but different: The role of subjective domain similarity in the longitudinal interplay among achievement and self-concept in multiple academic domains. Learning and Individual Differences, 102(2), Artikel 102270.