Peter Klaver, Prof. Dr.

Category Persons

Head of Centre for Research and Knowledge Transfer / Professor

Klaver Peter
+41 44 317 11 54
peter.klaver [at]
Organizational Unit
Zentrum Forschung und Wissenstransfer
Study Courses
  • Schulische Heilpädagogik

Tätigkeit an der HfH

  • Member of the Executive Board of the University
  • Member of the Sounding Board Researchers of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
  • Supervisory member of the Developmental Science Network Zurich
  • Supervisory member of the Network Research Special Education
  • Member of the Commission R&D of the Chamber PH of swissuniversities
  • Mentor in the programme Mentoring fff
  • Reviewer and supervisor doctorate in the field of psychology
  • Supervision of Master's theses in special education


  • Lecturer at the Department of Psychology, University of Zurich (since 2011)
  • Senior lecturer at the School of Psychology, University of Surrey, United Kingdom (2015-2018)
  • Member of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zurich (2011-2015) and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, United Kingdom (2016-2018)
  • Senior Assistant at the Department of Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention, Institute of Psychology, University of Zurich (2010-2015)
  • Research Group Leader at the Centre for MR Research, University Children's Hospital Zurich (2009-2010)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre for MR Research, University Children's Hospital Zurich (2006-2009)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Zurich (2005-2006)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow at the Epiclinic, University Hospitals Bonn (2000-2004)


  • Habilitation in Psychology at the University of Zurich in 2010
  • Doctorate (Dr rer. nat.) in Psychology and Neuroscience at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg in 2001
  • MSc Psychology at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in 1995

Forschung zu

  • Developmental disorders of learning, memory and higher visual cognition: How do psychological, biological and environmental factors contribute to the risks of learning and memory disorders and visual cognition at school age and what are the resources and opportunities for intervention? 
  • Development of learning, memory and higher visual cognition: How do psychological, biological and environmental factors contribute to the development of learning, memory and visual cognition in school-age children?
  • Foundations of learning, memory and visual cognition: What psychological, biological and environmental factors contribute to learning, memory and visual cognition? 
  • Biopsychological research methods, because without method development there is no progress
Show all projects

Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed)

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

Weitere Publikationen


  • Boran, E., Fedele, T., Hilfiker, P., Stieglitz, L., Grunwald, T., Sarnthein, J., & Klaver, P.
    Medial temporal lobe neural firing is associated with working memory workload and individual capacity
    OHBM Annual Meeting,
    Rom, Italien.
  • Klaver, P., Pham, T., Latal, B., & von Rhein, M.
    Hippocampal connectivity volumes predict intellectual functions in adolescents after neonatal surgery for congenital heart disease
    European Conference of Cognitive Neuropsychology,
    Bressanone, Italy.
  • Klaver, P.
    Visual working memory load and capacity dependent processing of task and distractor items in a fronto-parietal-hippocampal network
    Annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (SPR),
    Seattle, USA.
  • Klaver, P.
    Emotion sensitivity and task instruction affect brain activity and working memory performance for emotional faces
    German Psychological Society Conference for Experimentally Working Psychologists (TeaP),
    Hildesheim, Germany.
  • Bollmann, S., Ghisleni, C., O'Gorman, R., Poil, S. S., Klaver, P., Michels, L., Martin, E., Ball, J., Eich-Höchli, D., & Brandeis, D.
    Spatial working memory in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    International Conference on Basic and Clinical Multimodal Imaging (BaCI),
    Geneva, Schweiz.
  • Bollmann, S., Ghisleni, C., Poil, S. S., Klaver, P., Michels, L., Edden, R. A. E., Martin, E., Eich-Höchli, D., Brandeis, D., & O'Gorman, R.
    Reduced basal ganglia GABA in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    International society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM),
    Salt Lake City, USA.
  • von Allmen, D. Y., Wurmitzer, K., Martin, E., & Klaver, P.
    Hippocampal activity predicts successful object-location binding during short-term memory maintenance
    Neuroscience 2012,
    New Orleans, LA, USA.
  • Wurmitzer, K., von Allmen, D. Y., Martin, E., & Klaver, P.
    Memory binding in hippocampus predicts successful associative memory in children
    42th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience,
    New Orleans, LA, USA.
  • Bollmann, S., Payette, K., Ghisleni, C., Poil, S. S., O'Gorman, R., Brandeis, D., Klaver, P., Martin, E., & Michels, L.
    Comparing MELODIC and the Conn toolbox and the impact on physiological artifact correction in resting state fMRI using DRIFTER
    29th European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB),
    Lisbon, Portugal.
  • von Allmen, D. Y., Wurmitzer, K., Martin, E., & Klaver, P.
    The hippocampus and posterior parietal cortex: Two interacting brain regions during maintenance.
    Amsterdam Memory Slam,
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Klaver, P.
    Individual differences affect the influence of emotional face expression on visual short-term memory and brain activity
    Amsterdam Memory Slam,
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Wurmitzer, K., von Allmen, D. Y., Martin, E., & Klaver, P.
    Life span differences in episodic memory (EM): retrieval processes in children, adolescents and young adults
    Amsterdam Memory Slam,
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Wurmitzer, K., von Allmen, D. Y., Martin, E., & Klaver, P.
    Life span differences in episodic memory: Different behavioural expression in children and adults is expected to reflect ongoing maturation processes in neural network
    ZNZ Symposium,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • von Allmen, D. Y., Wurmitzer, K., Martin, E., & Klaver, P.
    Right hippocampal activity predicts performance in short-term maintenance of object-location associations
    ZNZ Symposium,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • von Allmen, D. Y., Wurmitzer, K., Martin, E., & Klaver, P.
    The lateral parietal cortex plays a pivotal role in episodic buffer: An fMRI study
    Neuroscience 2011,
    Washington, D.C., USA.
  • Wurmitzer, K., von Allmen, D. Y., Martin, E., & Klaver, P.
    Efficient strategic processing in working memory implemented by a fronto-temporal neural network, promotes episodic memory formation
    ZNZ Symposium,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • von Allmen, D. Y., Wurmitzer, K., Martin, E., & Klaver, P.
    The lateral parietal cortex plays a pivotal role in episodic buffer: An fMRI study
    ZNZ Symposium,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    (Almost) fully developed high order visual neural networks in premature born adolescents
    Research Conference of the European Society Foundation - Gene expression to neurobiology and behavior: human brain development and developmental disorders,
    Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Spanien.
  • Klaver, P.
    Development of higher visual function - normal visual perception and visuo-motor deficits
    International Conference of the European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Neuropediatrics (ESMRN),
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Neural mechanisms of memory: The role of sensory and conceptual information on memory operations
    Congress of the Swiss Society of Psychology: Differences, Diversity, and Change,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Distinct effect of selective attention on repetition priming: an event-related fMRI and intracranial ERP study
    Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM),
    Budapest, Hungary.

Andere Referate/Vorträge (im Berufsfeld, Vorlesung an Hochschule etc.)

  • Klaver, P.
    Functional and structural connectivity of the hippocampus in the developing brain.
    CUBIC conference at Brunel University of London,
    London, UK.
  • Klaver, P.
    Working memory in the hippocampus: developmental evidence.
    Brain and Behavior Group meeting, University of Surrey, School of Psychology,
    Guildford, UK.
  • Klaver, P.
    Testing of mobile app in the prevention and recovery of learning difficulties of children and adolescents with a history of neonatal hypoxia.
    Annual meeting of the Swiss Academy of Childhood Development Symposium,
    Aarau, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Visual working memory in typical and atypical development.
    Autumn Research Seminar,
    Stirling, UK.
  • Klaver, P.
    Visual working memory: typical and atypical development.
    School seminar at the University of Surrey, School of Psychology,
    Guildford, UK.
  • Klaver, P.
    Do atypical predictors account for atypical development?
    EGPN Early Years workshop,
    Guildford, UK.
  • Klaver, P.
    Probabilistic tractography: a method for studying (atypical) development.
    Brain and Behaviour Research Group, University of Surrey, School of Psychology,
    Guildford, UK.
  • Klaver, P.
    Typical and atypical networks of memory and visual cognition in the developing brain.
    Development Research Group meeting, University of Surrey, School of Psychology,
    Guildford, UK.
  • Klaver, P.
    Typical and atypical networks of memory and visual cognition in the developing brain.
    Zentrum für Integrative Humanphysiologie, Lunch Seminar,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Die Entwicklung des Gehirns sichtbar machen.
    BrainFair: Gehirn & Technologie,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Bildgebung des heranwachsenden Gehirns.
    BrainFair - Brain & Technology,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Imaging the developing brain.
    Research Brain Imaging Seminar,
    Bonn, Deutschland.
  • Klaver, P.
    Remembering the song of your life.
    Sendung "Mein Lied", Radio SRF1,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Social memory and oxytocin.
    Facelab Meeting, Institut für Psychologie, Universität Bern,
    Bern, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Aktives Lernen und Gedächtnis.
    Workshop, ZHAW,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Neuronale Mechanismen des Gedächtnisses: Ein Transfer in die Praxis.
    Regionalkonferenz: Schulen auf dem Mutschellen,
    Berikon, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Emotion und Gedächtnis: Wie sich unser Gehirn emotionale Ereignisse erinnert.
    BrainFair Vortrag in Sekundarschule Rämibühl,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Memory systems.
    Cognitive Neuroscience Seminar, Institut de psychologie, Université de Lausanne,
    Lausanne, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Event-related potentials and memory formation.
    Wirtschafttheoretisches Seminar "Neuroeconomics",
    Bonn, Deutschland.
  • Klaver, P.
    Brain functions in prematurely born children.
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Chilean miners.
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Klaver, P.
    Typical and atypical networks of memory and cognition in the developing brain.
    Brain Research and Development Meeting,
    Zürich, Schweiz.
  • Boran, E., & Klaver, P.
    Visual working memory in the medial temporal lobe.
    Network of intracranial research in epilepsy,
    Zürich, Schweiz.

