Minna Törmänen, Prof. Dr.

Category Persons

Senior Researcher

Törmänen Minna
+41 44 317 13 43
minna.toermaenen [at] hfh.ch

Tätigkeit an der HfH

  • Mitarbeiterin Institut für Professionalisierung und Systementwicklung
  • Senior Researcher 
  • Dozentin
  • Mitglied des Forschungskomission
  • International collaboration
  • A reviewer in journals on learning and neuropsychological disabilities, interventions and teacher education, in addition to representation in scientific committees


My research interests lie in development and individual learning and educational capabilities within persons from early education to adult education having either special needs or being at-risk. The core for my research interests is in learning processes and especially in cognitive processing, like executive functioning and its development, and importantly, in research-based practices i.e., in interventions. I have researched both cognitive and curriculum-based interventions in school settings in several different countries and educational systems. Intervention studies in school settings are also connected to broad interests in teacher education and educational systems.

Besides multidisciplinary research on learning competences and its background factors I have applied my research in the field of different pedagogical methods and quality of learning environments including ideologies of inclusion. My research on inclusive education is based on multidisciplinary and international approach when developing inclusion and equity. Here are keywords for my research interests:

  • Children with learning and neuropsychological disabilities and being at-risk
  • Cognitive development and learning environment
  • International approach on inclusive education, inclusion and equity
  • Using interventions in school settings 
  • Teacher education (early and primary education, and special needs education)


  • Associate Professor in Special Education, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
  • Principal Investigator, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • PhD in Special Education, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Master of Education, University of Helsinki, Finland. Degree of Class teacher: Specialization: Special Education, Music, Mother tongue Finnish
  • Doctoral studies in Music Education, Sibelius Academy, University of the Arts, Finland 

Forschung zu

  • Children’s Development and the Role of Learning Environment: Developmental Progression, Pedagogical Methods and Inclusive Education
  • Inclusive Education: Multidisciplinary and international approach when developing inclusion and equity
  • Research-based interventions and children with learning/neuropsychological disabilities, at-risk or typical development: Cognitive development, executive functions and comorbidity


«p>Das Forschungsprofil ist multidisziplinär und international und wurde in verschiedenen Projekten zu drei thematischen Themen umgesetzt

1. Children's Development and the Role of Learning Environment: Developmental Progression, Pedagogical Methods and Inclusive Education

  • »Longitudinalstudie ZEPPELIN (the Zurich Equity Prevention Project with Parents’ Participation and Integration) - Förderung ab Geburt” (PI: Klaver, Neuhauser, Lanfranchi; Kalkusch, Ramseier, Rodcharoen Schaub & Törmänen (University of Teacher Education in Special Needs, Zurich (HfH) Switzerland). 
  • «Multiperspective study of Executive Functions of infants and toddlers being at-risk»: Using Bailey`s Scale of Infant and Toddler Development as EF measurement (PI: Törmänen, Schaub, HfH Zürich & Pecini, Berni, University of Florence & Mazzotti, Martinelli, Stella Maris Foundation, Scientific Institute for Research Hospitalization and Health Care, Italy) 
  • «Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance in EuropeMultidisciplinary approach when developing inclusion and equity» (PI: Törmänen and Wicki, HfH) 
  • «Learning Support Teams»: Inklusiven Unterricht gemeinsam vorbereiten, durchführen und evaluieren. (Suter, Törmänen, Rodcharoen, HfH & Brückel, Häbig, Totter & Beuschlein, PH Zürich, CH)
  • «Projekt GebiS: Gemeinsam bildungsgerechte und inklusionsorientierte Schulen gestalten» (Shaping more educationally appropriate and inclusion-oriented school communities together). Suter, Törmänen, Wolters Kohler, Portmann, Rodcharoen, HfH, &  Brückel, Beuschlein, Häbig, PH Zürich
  • «Inclusive education or segregated special education: Longitudinal study of developmental outcomes of children in classes for special educational needs» (PI: Törmänen, University of Helsinki, Finland (UH) and Roebers, University of Bern, CH)
  • «Enhancing Children’s Learning through Intent Participation – Understanding Relationship between Pedagogical Sensitivity and Stress Regulation» (PI: Sajaniemi, Suhonen, Kontu, Törmänen et al; UH)
  • «Playful Learning in the Brain», multi-disciplinary research project in early education, neuroscience and special education. (PI: Huotilainen, Törmänen & Roebers; UH and University of Bern).

2. Research-based interventions and children with typical development, learning disabilities or at-risk: Background factors and comorbidity

  • «Early numeracy intervention study for low performing children in South African schools» (PI: Aunio, Ragpot, Törmänen, Korhonen & Henning; University of Helsinki (UH), Finland and University of Johannesburg, SA)
  • «Longitudinal intervention study Arts@School in inclusive education: Musical and movement activities and their effects on children`s academic achievements and cognitive functioning» (PI: Tervaniemi & Anttila, Juntunen, Törmänen, Linnavalli, Tiippana; UH and University of Arts, FI)
  • «An intervention study on executive functions with pre- and primary school children with severe developmental disabilities» (PI: Törmänen, Roebers, Kontu; UH and University of Bern, CH).
  • «Cognitive Interventions in Swiss Schools - Transfer effects and multidisciplinary perspectives» (PI: Studer, Törmänen, Margelisch & Perrig; University of Bern and UH).
  • «Auditory - Visual Matching in Learning Disabilities: Intervention Studies from Finland and Sweden» (PI: Törmänen, Takala & Karma; UH and Sibelius Academy, FI)

3. Special Music Education: Cognitive Processing in Developmental Disabilities & Inclusion, Equality and Interaction

  • «Music for All». Definitions and outlining of special music education in the framework of inclusive education (PI: Kontu, Törmänen, Pirttimaa, et al.; UH and University of Jyväskylä, FI).
Show all projects

Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed)

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

  • Törmänen, M.
    Learning disabilities can be treated by a computer program based on auditory-visual matching.
    In T. P. Long, & L. R. Eifert (Hrsg.),
    Speech Processing and Auditory Processing Disorders: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
    Nova Science Publishers.

Weitere Publikationen

  • Törmänen, M.
    A Scientific Expert and reviewer for nomination of associate professor .
    A Scientific Expert and reviewer for nomination of associate professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology, The University of Oulu, Finland, June 2024.
  • Törmänen, M.
    A Scientific Expert and reviewer for nomination of associate professor at the Philosophical Faculty, the University of Eastern Finland, Finland, November 2024.
    A Scientific Expert and reviewer for nomination of associate professor (University of Eastern Finland)
  • Törmänen, M.
    Difficulties in reading and writing of the candidates of the Matriculation Examination. Difficulties in reading, writing and foreign languages as described in dyslexia diagnostic assessment reports of candidates.
    Acting as opponent in PhD Thesis, (1st of June 2022). Defendant: MA Liisa Vesterinen, University of Helsinki, Educational Sciences, Special Education, Finland.
  • Törmänen, M.
    Lessons Learned from Horses. Three Pedagogical Interventions Promoting Well-being of Students with Special Educational Needs.
    Acting as opponent in PhD Thesis, (27th of January 2023). Defendant: MA Ritva Mickelsson, University of Helsinki, Educational Sciences, Special Education, Finland.
  • Törmänen, M.
    Inclusive Education and Special Needs Education Governance in Europe: Scientific exchange for comparative analysis.
    EARLI SIG 15 – Special Educational Needs Newsletter,
    Volume 2,
  • Törmänen, M.
    ”Lasten kielten oppimiskyky”, Asiantuntijapyyntö HE 114/2017 VP, Hallituksen esitys eduskunnalle laiksi toisen kotimaisen kielen kokeilusta perusopetuksessa. [The Expert report for proposal of Finnish Government concerning the law of second obligatory language in Finnish school system at compulsory education HE 114/2017 VP. Title: Children’s ability to learn languages].
    A Requested Expert Report for Finnish Parliament, Committee for Education and Culture.
  • Törmänen, M., & Juntunen, M.-L.
    Supporting learning and social cohesion through arts education. Interventions in Finnish schools.
    unbekannter Quelle.


  • Törmänen, M., Schaub, S., Koch, C., Neuhauser, A., Rodcharoen, P., Kalkusch, I., Lanfranchi, A., & Klaver, P.
    The development of executive functions (EF) in pre-school aged children with early-term births from families with psychosocial stress. Longitudinal intervention study
    European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, EARLI, Special Needs Education SIG15 conference ,
    Valencia, Spain.
  • Törmänen, M., Neuhauser, A., Kalkusch, I., Rodcharoen, P., Schaub, S., Ramseier, E., Lanfranchi, A., & Klaver, P.
    Support from birth - the long-term effectiveness of “Parents as Teachers” program in families under psychosocial stress.
    World Congress for Infant Mental Health, WAIMH, titled: ”Looking for the best care for babies, young children, and their families”,
    Tampere, Finland .
  • Londen, M., Holm, G., & Törmänen, M.
    Inclusion and special needs support for immigrant students in Finland: in symposium organized by Prof. Hanssen, N.B. “Inclusion and special needs education for immigrant students in the Nordic countries”, selected as being the NERA contribution at the AERA conference 2024.
    AERA world conference 2024,
    Philidelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Wicki, M., & Törmänen, M.
    Scientific Exchange: Evidence-based development of inclusive schools.
    Scientific Exchange: Evidence-based development of inclusive schools,
    University of Teacher Education in Special Needs, Zurich, (HfH), Switzerland .
  • Törmänen, M., Schaub, S., Koch, C., Ramseier, E., Lanfranchi, A., Neuhauser, A., Kalkusch, I., & Rodcharoen, P.
    The development of Executive Functions with early term toddlers from families with psychosocial stress. Using Baileys Scale III as a measurement for executive functions in children between 0 and 3 years
    Presentation in symposium “New procedures to assess Executive Function and predict learning outcome in Special Educational Needs”, EARLI Conference 2023,
    Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Wicki, M., & Törmänen, M.
    European perspectives on Inclusive Education and Special Needs Educational Governance.
    In Schweizerisches Zentrum für Heilpädagogik (Hrsg.),
    12. SZH Kongress, 6. September 2022.
  • Törmänen, M., Schaub, S., Ramseier, E., Koch, C., Neuhauser, A., & Lanfranchi, A.
    How early term birth and social burdens of the family are affecting on development of children`s executive functions? A longitudinal study between 0 and 3 years
    Swiss Society for Early Childhood Research, Annual Meeting 2022: "Family well-being - moving on from the pandemic",
    Lausanne, Switzerland.

Andere Referate/Vorträge (im Berufsfeld, Vorlesung an Hochschule etc.)

  • Törmänen, M.
    Brain, learning and Music.
    Expert on a public program Finland Arena at Pori,
    Pori, Finland.
  • Törmänen, M.
    Flerspråkighet, mångfald och social rättvisa i skolan [in English: Diversity, multilingualism, and social justice at school].
    Demonstration Lecture for position of Professor Educational Sciences,
    Helsinki, Finland.
  • Törmänen, M.
    Multidisciplinäritet i specialpedagogik - ”Music for All” leder till inklusion, jämställdhet och interaktion? [in English: Multidisciplinary in Special Education – “Music for All” leading to inclusion, equality and interaction?].
    The 25th year jubilee for Special Education Program at Åbo Akademi University,
    Turku, Findland.
  • Törmänen, M.
    Music and Learning.
    Expert on a public program at SuomiAreena (Finland 100 years Arena at Pori, Finland),
    Pori, Finland.
  • Törmänen, M.
    Playful Learning in the Brain. Multi-disciplinary research project in early education, neuroscience and special education.
    Sino-Finnish collaboration seminar,
    Helsinki, Finland.
  • Törmänen, M.
    The Human Ability to Learn Languages and Finnish language policy: Political issues concerning Finnish school system.
    Expert on a public program Finland Arena at Pori,
    Pori, Finland.
